luty 2025, środa
IMIENINY: Radosława, Eulalii, Modesta

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Już jest! Nowe wydanie biuletynu samorządowego.

Gazeta kobierzyce - wydanie Styczeń 2014
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Kobierzyce comunne – place to connect

Kobierzyce commune is well-developed place where is a polish seed for investors from all over the world.

Huge assets of Kobierzyce commune is its location in Agglomeration of Wroclaw, along the country roads as no. 35, no.8 and also motorway no. A4, which can provide to German’s and Czech Republic’s borders.

The pro-investments strategy which is realized in this area has created new image of region. Kobierzyce commune from a rural area has changed to an industrial area with a good rural environment as well.

The politic realized in Kobierzyce commune has affected the fame for global scale in industrial investors. The biggest achievement was creating the Tarnobrzeg Special Economic Zone in Biskupice Podgórne, what helped to reach really important investors from the manufacturing and electronics industries. Its branch EURO-PARK Kobierzyce has a surface of 280ha and more than 10 thousand of employees from the whole region were employed over there in companies such as: LG Display, LG Electronics, Toshiba. Moreover, attractive lands form investors are in Bielany Wrocławskie, Domasław-Magnice and Wierzbice what was seen by companies as: Cargill, Mondelez Polska Production, Tesco, Makro Cash&Carry, IKEA, Castorama, OBI, Auchan, ATM, Prologis, Panattoni, Goodman, Amazon, Gardinia, EFL, Netto, and Leoni Kabel, Avo – Werke, ATS.

Location, smart management and encourage for investment in Kobierzyce commune help reach the impressive results, as the capital invested in the Kobierzyce Commune estimated at approx. over EUR 4 billion, also there is approx. 30 000 employees and reputable opinion as a role model for massive investments and good changes. Besides Kobierzyce Commune considers the needs of its inhabitant and as much as possible it creates the best place to live in. All the argues are a proof that is worth to invest in Kobierzyce.

Investor Service Point:

  • Emilia Kopeć
  • Kobierzyce Commune Office
  • Phone number: +48 71 36 98 108
  • E-mail: ekopec@ugk.pl


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